Bill Ritchie Artwork in Illionois
in the

CompTIA Collection

Computing  Technology Industry Association


"Brandywine In-between"

Provenance: 1988  Lithograph, offset in 5 colors on Arches paper. 22 x 30 inches.

Artist's Comment: After C. T.  Chew and I completed the CD/ROM Publisher's Club Portfolio in 1988, I was invited to Philadelphia to make a print at the Brandywine Workshop. This was partly because of the recommendation Norie Sato provided and also because they were exploring new technologies. It was a great opportunity for me because the two prints for the folio were screenprints and I wanted to do an offset.

About CompTIA: (from their Web page) "CompTIA is the voice of the world’s information technology (IT) industry. Its members are the companies at the forefront of innovation; and the professionals responsible for maximizing the benefits organizations receive from their investments in technology. CompTIA is dedicated to advancing industry growth through its educational programs, market research, networking events, professional certifications, and public policy advocacy."

The drawings and transparencies I made for the screenprints (they were partly photo stencil techniques) would be useful for the Brandywine print because they, too, were adapting photo processes. As I recomposed the print in Philadelphia, I used parts of both the two CD/ROM images (The Dreamer and Lunar Concerns are their titles).

The result, Brandywine In-between, was highly satisfactory and whenever possible I show it between the two CD/ROM folio prints, as below:

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