Bill Ritchie design work in Chile

with the

Daniela Finster Kretschmer Collection

(Note: Actual No. 38 image is unavailable)

Mini Halfwood Press No. 38

Daniella Finster_Kretcshmer  Chile poster
Daniella Finster-Kretschmer, about 2008, who sent the broadside featuring
a printmaking workshop she developed in Chile and which includes a picture
of the Halfwood Press I loaned to her for her projects .

Ritchie's comment: We corresponded for years searching for a way to connect our mutual interests in EarthSafe issues. She said she wished she had the Mini, so we committed to a plan she named Temporal Matriz. The press was sent on loan for an indefinite period because I wanted to help Daniella with her ambitious projects. To see the testing of other Mini Halfwood Presses, go to and click on VIDEOS.

Specifications: Etching Press. 2008. Mini Halfwood Press Serial No. 60038, in ipe, walnut and mahogany.

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