Bill Ritchie Work in Massachusetts
in the
George Heinrichs Collection
About George Heinrichs: George is a history teacher at Phillips Andover . . .
Comment: George found the WeeWoodie Rembrandt Press on Etsy, and purchased it. He sent email describing his plan - to make the press part of a project for his students at Phillips Andover as part of a lesson on Martin Luther. The printing connection made sense; however, I warned George that the Gutenberg Bible that was being printed in Luther's time was made on a different kind of press than that which Rembrandt used.
DIY WeeWoodie Rembrandt Press Specifications: Made in 2015. The DIY WeeWoodie Rembrandt Press is a model the 17th C. press used by Rembrandt, pre-cut and drilled for easy assembly and prints intaglio and relief blocks. A pre-carved relief block and felt blankets. See the 20-page comical user manual which comes with the press - click here. Does not include ink, paper, or printing inks. (See more on the Printmaking World website)
Below: WeeWoodie Rembrandt Press, assembled
Facsimile image of George's WeeWoodie Rembrandt Press - the printing
plate is a linoleum cut carved with a CNC router
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