Bill Ritchie Work in Virginia

was formerly in the

Cody Leeser Collection


Pram Halfwood Press No. 110

Specifications: Made in 2012. Pram Halfwood Press. Serial No. 60110. Specifications: Rollers are 1.5 x 6 and 5.5 inches top and bottom. The bed is 1/4 x 6 x 17.5 inch polycarbonate (the standard) with steel rack; overall length is 17.5 inches; overall width is 9 inches; overall height is 10 inches; weight, about 14 lbs; drive wheel is 8 inches diameter in stainless steel. The bed is rack-driven, approximating a 3:1 mechanical advantage. Wood is solid American black walnut. The pressure screws are linked and synchronized. The press included two etching felts, user's manual plus a PressGhost flash drive and USB extension cable for connecting to a computer.

Artist's comment: Cody Leeser sent an email saying she saw my YouTube video, and that the mini half wood press is the perfect size for her studio and the press is "beautiful to look at. " In a note she added she would be learning from more tutorials online and also from a friend in Sperryville. Before Cody ordered this press, I made a video with another press owner, Ron Myhre, as he learned about the Pram Halfwood Press Line and its PressGhost. Six years later she decided to sell her press to Mary B. Allen.

Click here to see the six-minute video.


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