Bill Ritchie Work in Washington State
in the

Ted Riley Collection

Bill Ritchie art print collagraph


About Ted Riley: After a time in India in the Peace Corps, Ted was an art student at the UW School of Art in the 1970s. He attended a printmaking class taught by Bill Ritchie. After graduation he was a graphic designer and an independent artist. H had studios in several states, most recently in Washington State. His website is

1970. Print. Intaglio. Black on antique white paper, probably Tuscan Index. Image approx. 15 X 17 in. Trial proof printed by Ted Riley. Collection of Ted Riley, Anacortes, WA.

Comment by Bill Ritchie: Ted Riley was a student in my printmaking class in the Autumn of 1970, and I was teaching collagraph, doing demonstrations on building a collagraph plate. I finished the plate, but it needed to dry, and I gave it to Ted and said he could print it himself, which he did. Forty-five years later, he contacted me and told me the story, and I asked him to show me the print and I signed it for both of us - me for my making the plate and Ted's name for printing it.

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