Bill Ritchie Work in Illinois
in the
Carol Weger Collection
Active and passive sides of Pram Halfwood Press No. 123
Pram Halfwood Press No. 123
Specifications: 2015. Pram Halfwood Press. Serial No. 60123. Rollers are 1.5 diameter, 6 and 5.5 inches long, top and bottom respectively. The bed is 1/4 x 6 x 17.5 inch polycarbonate (the standard) with steel rack; overall length is 17.5 inches; overall width is 9 inches; overall height is 10 inches; weight, about 14 lbs; drive wheel is 8 inches diameter in stainless steel. The bed is rack-driven, approximating a 3:1 mechanical advantage. Wood is solid American black walnut. The pressure screws are linked and synchronized. The press included two etching felts, user's manual, Allen wrenches with instructions if needed, a PressGhost flash drive with USB extension cable for connecting to a computer, and the semi-fiction book, "Halfwood Press: The story."
Rtichie's comment: Carol explained her constant interest in printmaking, having been interested in drawing her whole life and also having printmaking experience in high school. She resumed taking printmaking classes, and said that having a press at home will enable making more progress when the school studio isn't available.
"I don't think the general public knows what intaglio printmaking is," she added, seeing falling enrollment in printmaking classes. After her press arrived, she wrote, "This has been wonderful, using my new press, and being able to print at my leisure (and clean up at my leisure, too)."
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