Bill Ritchie Work in Washington D.C.
in the
John Rogers Collection
Passive (left) and active sides of Frigate Halfwood Press No. 8
Frigate Halfwood Press No. 8
About John Rogers: John bought the press on eBay on Valentine's Day, 2015. As this was an eBay purchase, nothing is available to larn more about John; however, the address indicates John F. W. Rogers' home and his position.
Artist's comment: It was the first time I listed a Frigate Halfwood Press on eBay, and John Rogers bought it. I had included an image of printing the two-plate print, the Rembrandt's Ghost stamp image. When I packed the press, I added one of the prints to the collection.
Left: Printing a test print on Frigate #8 Right: One of the 8 prints I made to test the press
About Number 8: Made in 2014. Frigate Halfwood Press. Serial No. 750008. Specifications: Roller diameter 1 7/8" x 7.5" long, top and bottom. Bed is 3/8" polycarbonate, 7 1/2" x 21". The overall length is 22"; overall width is 12 3/4"; overall height is 13". Weight is 26 lbs.; Drive wheel is 10 1/2" diameter stainless steel. The bed is rack-driven, approximating a 3:1 mechanical advantage. Woods used are American black walnut with wenge interlayering. The pressure screws are linked and synchronized. The press included three etching felts, user's manual and plus a PressGhost memory and USB extension cable for connecting to a computer USB port and Bill's book, "Halfwood Press: The Story" and a monoprint from the test prints by Bill Ritchie.
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