Bill Ritchie designs in Australia
in the
Catherine Watkins Collection
Active and passive sides of Catherine Watkins' Mini Halfwood Press No. 49
Specifications: 2009. Mini Halfwood Press Serial Number 60049. Rollers are 1.5 diameter, 6 and 5.5 inches long, top and bottom respectively. The bed is 1/4 x 6 x 17.5 inch polycarbonate (the standard); overall length is 17.5 inches; overall width is 9 inches; overall height is 10 inches; weight, about 14 lbs; drive wheel is 8 inches diameter in stainless steel. American black walnut, purple heart, Brazilian ipe woods, steel, brass, plastic. Handmade accessory box is crafted in poplar with purple heart trim.
Artist's Comment: Catherine, a designer in Australia, got the hybrid purple heart. She is the first in her country to get a Halfwood. I let her know she could be part of my plan to build Halfwoods for other artists “down under.” She said she'd watch for opportunities and let me know.
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