Mini Halfwood Press No. 5
Specifications: 2004. Mini Halfwood Press. Serial No. 60005. Solid black American walnut, Brazilian ipe, steel, polycarbonate bed. Later a brass medallion may have been fitted on the hood at Lorraine's request.
Artist's Comment: Lorraine Thiessen and Ken Urquhart saw the first Daniel Smith Inc. demonstration in November of 2004. They chose to buy a press and I had No. 5 ready to pick up the next month. When she got it home she sent me a snapshot of her cats with it, with the title, "Cat Scan." Lorraine later answered my call for help, providing a digital camera for the first Chilean artist, Danielle Finster Kretschmer, who got a Mini. Lorraine and I reconnected in 2018 and I made the photos of her press.