Bill Ritchie design work in Washington State
in the

Pamela Hathaway Collection

Views of the active and passive sides of Pamela's Frigate Halfwood Press

Pamela's Frigate Halfwood Press No. 10

Specifications: Made in 2016. Frigate Halfwood Press. Serial No. 750010. Specifications: Roller diameter 1 7/8" x 7.5" long, top and bottom. Bed is 3/8" polycarbonate, 7 1/2" x 21". The overall length is 22"; overall width is 12 3/4"; overall height is 13". Weight is 26 lbs.; Drive wheel is 10 1/2" diameter stainless steel. The bed is rack-driven, approximating a 3:1 mechanical advantage. Woods used are American black walnut with wenge interlayering. The pressure screws are linked and synchronized. The press included three etching felts, user's manual, and Allan wrenches.

Other owners of Frigate Halfwood Presses at the time of this entry are Mandi Ballard, Steven Calabrese, Clyde Downs at NSU, Craig and Marzanne Fullerton, April Gleason, Cecilia Langer, Lu McBride, Lionel Pailler, John F. W. Rogers, Fox Anthony Spears, Wil Tuthill and Heather Van Wolf. Click on the names to link to their pages.

Bill Ritchie's comment: Pamela first saw the Halfwood Press at the Pike Place Market where Ethan Lind was working. She wanted Ethan to participate in her son's bike festival, and then proposed making a special design. She met with the manufacturer, Kughler Co., and premiered the first of their events to the public at a pop-up street demonstration by the Frye Museum. A year later she wrote: "Your press has been such a wonderful aspect of my whole interaction with inky spokes.  I love helping people gain access to this magical tool of art that most do not get to experience."

Photos, (Left) Pam watches a kid wiping his first printing plate.
(Right) Bill ready to sign a kid's first print's moment number, Tom Kughler watches.


Vera Project Show - May 1, 2018


Pam gathered up a dozen artists for a group show at the Vera Project at the Seattle Center in Seattle. At left, Bill Ritchie gives a 10-minute demonstration of how to ink and print on Pam's Frigate Halfwood Press. Members of the show then showed visitors to the opening event how to print their own drypoint prints.

See Bill Ritchie's Patron List for more peoples' collections - click here
