Bill Ritchie design work in Washington State
in the
Fox Anthony Spears Collection
Views of the active and passive sides of Fox's Frigate Halfwood Press
Frigate Halfwood Press No. 12
Specifications: Made in 2016. Frigate Halfwood Press. Serial No. 750012. Specifications: Roller diameter 1 7/8" x 7.5" long, top and bottom. Bed is 3/8" polycarbonate, 7 1/2" x 21". The overall length is 22"; overall width is 12 3/4"; overall height is 13". Weight is 26 lbs.; Drive wheel is 10 1/2" diameter stainless steel. The bed is rack-driven, approximating a 3:1 mechanical advantage. Woods used are American black walnut with wenge interlayering. The pressure screws are linked and synchronized. The press included three etching felts, user's manual, and Allan wrenches. The designer's book, "A Printmaker's Tale" included.
Bill Ritchie's comment: Fox saw the Halfwood Presses in the window of the Mini Art Gallery and called me one day to set up an appointment. On another occasion he took a snapshot of the gallery and shared it on Facebook - a snapshot I had fun with making a PowerPoint HOG with it. He wanted a Frigate so he could work at home, as he usually does his printmaking at Crow's Shadow Institute in Umatilla. I discovered his Robohontas was very like my muse, Media.
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